This is a medium sized cuckoo with both sexes alike. It has grey upperparts while the underside has broad black barring. The tail is barred with a broad subterminal dark band and a white tip. Young birds have white markings on the crown and white chin and throat contrasting with a dark face. Juveniles are browner and have broad white tips to the head and wing feathers. The eye-ring is gray to yellow (a feature shared with the Common Hawk-Cuckoo). The iris is light brown to reddish. The female differs from the male in being slightly paler grey on the throat and in having more brown on the breast and tail. The barring on the belly is narrower than in the male. Nestlings have an orange-red mouth and yellow flanges to the gape.- rujukan@
Gambar kurang jelas sebab terlindung di sebalik daun..lalang pn tinggi-tinggi hampir sama tinggi dgn ambo..huhu..kena redo semula..
ID: Indian Cuckoo..main sorok2 tepi hutan..^^
Loc : tepi rumah kawan
F-stop: f/8
Exposure time: 1/320sec at ISO 500
White Balance : Auto
Exposure Program : Aperture Priority
Metering Mode : Spot
Flash : No Flash
Focal Length : 500mm
Camera : D90+sigma 150-500mm
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